Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Pak moving to new PakNet project

Pak is splitting off into the new PakNet project, which will create an entire Xanalogical Web on top of HTTP using CGI. Here's what some of the developers had to say about it.

More recently, I made a mockup of an experimental UI for it, which you can see below:

Please post your comments on this subject.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sakura 0.03 released!

Version 0.03 of Sakura has been released. For those of you who have been keeping up, this may seem like a quick release for a non-post version, but I can tell you that this version is a major step up in usability (to the point that I am using it as the only UI for my main development computer), has tons of bugfixes (including a totally working HoloUI and a working Maintainence menu), and innovative new features (like the Tcl console).
If you have been waiting until Sakura is stable to get it, now is the time. I hope you're as psyched about this release as I am!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sakura Mission Statement

I wrote a mission statement to declare exactly was sakura is and what our goals are for it, linked to above.

Next version

The next version of sakura will probably be 0.02 , and will hopefully fix a number of bugs that are now documented. It will also mark the utilization of tcllib and the new Tcl and Tk versions.
I got a couple new developers yesterday, adding up to a total of 6. This is a vast improvement mainly because two of my developers are on vacation at the moment and one I haven't been able to reach recently.
Oh yes, and one more thing: I made a logo.

What do you think?

Friday, August 12, 2005


I found some bugs in the newest version, 0.01post02 , most of which I fixed. One, however, I cannot fix without making the whole method much less flexible, so I've been putting off fixing it for a little while. I may make an extensible solution, but then again I may not. The problem is that of passing a list of parameters to a canvas constructor and yet allowing a sublist of parameters to be in with the rest without being noted as a sublist.
As soon as I fix this, I will come out with a new release. In the mean time, check out the link: PWIM, it's Jon's pet project. It's actually quite useful :D.

Monday, August 01, 2005

First working version!

The first working version is done! Read the link for details on circumstances.
I've been in the Yale Library (Sterling) all day, so I've had nothing but time for coding ^^;. Luckily, since this is in Tcl (whose power is great but advancement is slow), I have been able to get everything to run on the spartan PII IBM ThinkPad 480Z running Red Hat 7 I have with me. I just tested the syntax, so I don't know how well everything looks.
I added tons of options to Aoi (spent most of my time on that, and it was most interesting). Now you can change the background, change the main menu items, regenerate the menus, save your options, revert to saved options, and all of it compatible with its linkings with the Futaba widget library (including HoloUI, the "Holographic User Interface", and FutabaEvent, the "extensible event-handling and binding system").
I also made a new library within LibSakura: Haiku. It's "The Sakura Extensible Error Handling Library"; in other words, it allows for scriptable schemes of error messages, and output of said messages via a variety of methods. Thank the GNU Humor Archive for the name: it's a joke on the jokeset "Error Messages in Haiku", a method I once tried with an earlier piece of software, much to the dismay of ALL OF ITS USERS! ^^;. Actually, the library itself is rather poetic: given an error like "file not found", it would output a box something like this:

|*| Glork!___________________________|.|^|x|
| |
| Guru Meditation: |
| Error code: 17 |
| File not found! |
| | \\//
| ________ | //\| | OK | |
| |________| |

Isn't it great?

Anyway, I've gotta post this and get it over, I'll give more details when I put up the release ^^;.


Thursday, June 30, 2005


Welcome to the Sakura HyperMedia Desktop weblog! Updates will be posted here on this ongoing project.